Je me pose la question: la patience est-elle devenue une vertu inutile? Avant,bien avant que je sois jeune, pour profiter de choses devenue maintenant communes, il fallait savoir se montrer patient, savourer le moment. Aller au cinéma du coin de la rue, attendre le développement de ses photos, passer la nuit de voyage en train pour aller dans le sud de la France ou en Toscane.
Toutes ces choses aujourd'hui sont devenues si simple à obtenir: en quelques secondes je peux regarder un film chez moi, plus besoin de développer les photos, le voyage long d'hier est devenu un saut de puce aujourd'hui.
Que nous reste-t'il comme luxe aujourd'hui?
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
The electric car: a solution?

But wait, let's take a step back and think a little. Electricity today is produced mainly by non-renewable source - more than 80% worldwide (Fossil 67,2%, nuclear 13,4%). I couldnt find any reliable numbers on the future evolution of these numbers, but something tells me that the "less polutant" of non-renewable energies is going to be mostly phased out pretty quickly. So what's left to fill the gap, and to respond to the higher demand that the electric car will inevitably put on the worldwide electricity production? Isn't that shifting the problem? One positive of this trend is that, indeed, the problem will be shifted from individual to collectivities and/or to bigger corporations, where it is easier to organise big changes. People will do their share (they wont have a choice and buy electric or hybrid cars), but it is clear to me that the biggest challenge stays at the level of electricity production, wich is moving way to slowly today to solve the problem.
Some interesting numbers for the EU here
[EDIT] There are some interesting insight about Electric Cars in this article as well
[EDIT 2] Apparently, electric cars are much more efficient than fuel cars, meaning that with the same amout of oil to produce electricity or to fuel a car, the electric car would ride longer. "Typically, conventional gasoline engines effectively use only 15% of the fuel energy content to move the vehicle or to power accessories, and diesel engines can reach on-board efficiencies of 20%, while electric drive vehicles have on-board efficiency of around 80%." Now that's the real bonus I think. Yet, I suppose a oil-fired electric plant doesnt have a 100% efficency either. But still.
Monday, 1 August 2011
Are they really in touch with what matters?

As I was developing today, I found this article about pluralizing tables name in ruby on rails:
Is it me, or the guys argument is completely subjective? I quote:
Most experienced DBAs will tell you that the name of a table should describe what one record in that table would represent. Who would recommend plural table names? Developers seem to like plural names because they equate database tables with Collections
Basically: "You should not do that because most of the guys I know all said it was bad, trust me"
Furthermore, isn't a database table a collection of things, indeed? My opinion is that it's perfectly normal to pluralize table names. But then I didn't ask my friend to tell me their opinions on the matter ;-)
Monday, 11 July 2011
2 things I've learned related to the Belgian crisis by going on vacation abroad

I don't know much about Switzerland, except that I went skiing there for the first time when I was twelve (a marvelous overnight trip by train through the mountains), that they have over-zealous custom officers, and that it's amazingly beautiful.
Also, it's a federal state - just like Belgium. They speak 3 languages, just like in Belgium. They also have bilingual areas. For all I know (I might be wrong), they don't fight about cultural differences, territory or language. They all feel Swiss, as far as I know.
Italy, this year was celebrating the 150th anniversary of its unification. Flags and celebrations everywhere! Wait, what? 150 year? So Belgium has existed longer than Italy? I never heard anyone saying that Italy wasn't a "real" country because its history was so short! Belgium will celebrate its 181 year of existence this 21th of July.
They have a region where people speak and learn German in Italy, too, by the way. I went there for two weeks, three years ago. These people feel Italian.
Exactly what is the problem here in Belgium that makes it so difficult to accept that we have three languages, cultural differences and still that it's possible to live together, to have a Belgian identity? I suspect it has nothing to do with culture or language.
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